Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Well we got through the first week with the new puppy!  And she even learned a new command which is sit and she also now knows come. 

As for the rest well... NO is not in her vocabulary yet!! LOL  Oh well it's a learning process for her... and us!  She is now on a schedule and is getting house broken.  We take her out every 3 to 4 hours or so with the longest time in the afternoon which is about 4 hours.  So far I haven't seen any Possum's in the yard when I go out at 1am but last night in the evening they showed up again on our back fence.  Nothing really phases Mishu when I take her out out in the middle of the night as she is half asleep.  I put her on the ground as she can't walk steps yet, and she sits down and takes everything in.  I have to give her the command "Go Potty" and then she gets up and walks...sniffs.... and does her buisness like a little trooper; back inside we go.

Now as far as the cats go today she got whapped in the head from Lucy Cat as she got a little too close and wanted to play.  Mishu came up to her and backed away and then got right up to Lucy's nose and... WHAP and hiss!  Mishu just backed away and I picked her up so Lucy could have some peace and quiet.

The Lucy Cat
As far as Sake the other cat in the house she hisses a lot but is not mad but scared.  She whines and is always watching for Mishu even when she knows she is crated for the night.  Only once did Mishu want to play with Sake.  Sake got cornered and couldn't get out and Mishu got a whap but it seemed like a I'm scared not I'm mad... which if you have animals you kind of know the difference.  Lucy whap...Hard with purpose, Sake whap... fast but didn't hit very hard.  Oh well time will tell if they will become friends or just tolerate each other

Sake Cat

As we go through the week we are trying to teach her to shake and we also put a collar on her which she is getting use to...kind of!!

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