Friday, August 2, 2013

First Post

Well I decided to start this blog with my fiance because we just welcomed a new member to our family, Mishu which is pronounced ME-shoo.  She is a Japanese Chin and is 11 weeks old and weighs a whole 3 pounds.  I picked her up this past weekend and she has filled our lives in the last week with laughter, joy, panic, sleeplessness, love, and lots of gazes in her way!  If you want to know more about the Japanese Chin you can check out this YouTube video on them:  I recommend that you do as it's a good one. 

When we got her home we decided that we wanted to crate train her and let me tell you, this breed doesn't bark much if at all but the whine/bark she was doing all night the first couple was loud.  This little girl has a set of lungs on her!  I could only imagine how she felt in a strange place without her litter mates AND two cats she doesn't know.  Now at night she is down to about 10 minutes of whining and then she is silent.  Right now since she is young and can only hold her bladder for about 3-4 hours, we wake up at night and let her out to do her business and then back to bed for another 4 hours.  We had planned on litter training her but she is doing really well with the holding till we go outside and then going so... who knows at this stage of the game. 

Her mom is only seven and a half pounds and looks like Mishu will be about the same when she is full grown.  She is just a darling little girl and we couldn't be happier having her in our lives.  She is learning to chew her toys instead of any other thing in front of  She likes her rope and has a couple of squeaker toys that she goes after especially her pink one (she is a girl after all)

The other night I found out that evening is nap time and she just happened to be on me and was zonked out after just a little time in my lap.  She really likes to snuggle in my neck.
 Also helping with the dishes is something she really likes to do...
 Today before work I brought her over to Aija's work and showed her off and then came over to the radio station and got a picture with dog lover Hal Mass
Her new trick...well not a trick but she is picking up the SIT command and does it really well even without a treat which is what Aija is training her with.  We'll keep everyone updated on little Mishu's world.

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