Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mishu goes to the Vet

Well even though I didn't plan on having a child... I find myself with one now in the form a Japanese Chin Puppy - "Nugget" (we call her that when she is not around).  She is only 12 weeks old so her brain isn't developed all the way yet.  She can hold her bladder all night, but she doesn't know that yet lol.  So she goes out every 4 hours give or take and that means I get to set my alarm and get up at 1am and take her out in the yard while Aija gets up around 5am to take her out.  I'm so glad we have a flood light in our backyard since we have a slew of Possums
that like to walk on the top of our chain link fence,
THANK YOU MAG LIGHT FLASHLIGHT for being so bright!!  When I put her down on the ground she is so sleepy so she usually will just stand there or sit and take it all in... Smells, the wind, the sounds... Then she gets up and starts sniffing the ground and then follows the 1am trail to the potty spot she made for herself and within 5 minutes I'm back in the house and she is eating a late night snack or getting some water, then it's back in the crate till morning. 

So we are still working on training with her and the biggest thing is trying to keep up with her especially when she is outside.  She is so fast and wants to put everything in her mouth.  So the next thing we are going to teach her is give so we can get those things out of her mouth... as she is running away playing with us.  This morning I took her to MidMichigan Veterinary Clinic to see her Veterinarian Danielle Brinker. 
Danielle has been in the business for 6 years and got her degree from Cornell University.  This morning Mishu had to get her third round of shots and kennel Cough meds so she can schmooze with other dogs.  She already has a BFF right next door thru the fench...Chica, which is a female Chi weenie.  She is up to three pounds and eight ounces so she is getting bigger by the day.  Pretty soon she'll be, well... still small full grown LOL! 

This morning she was crying and wanted to go out before Aija was up so I let her out and then back in but instead of the crate we have her in a pen.  She seems to like playing with her toys by herself but if we are around she really wants to be with us and be part of the family.  She is a cutie as one of the girls at the radio station calls her the little cuddle muffin!

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