Thursday, September 5, 2013

Almost to 16 weeks!

  Well I haven't had much time to write a new blog about Mishu so here goes.  She went to the vet Tuesday and got more shots and was a really a good pup letting Doctor Brinker at Mid-Michigan  Veterinary Clinic check her out.  She has gone from 3.8 pounds a month ago to 4.8 pounds; our little girl is growing up...LOL.  She got the shots on Tuesday and yesterday, Wednesday in the morning we found out that we couldn't pick her up without a scream of pain from her.  Let me tell you that yelp got us really worried.  We tried three different times to pick her up and each time we got the same yelp and then she would back up into the corner and put her head down.  I coaxed her to me and she just went right into her crate and laid down.  I tried to get her to come out but she wouldn't, not even for food or water.  Right at 7:30am when the Vet opened I called and brought her in.
As soon as I opened up the crate in the vets office she came out and was sniffing the floor.  Doctor came into the exam room and asked what was wrong and picked her up with no yelp!  I was like really??  So after the exam which found nothing I picked her up like nothing was wrong...I didn't even think and said "You Little Sh##!, you played me didn't you".  Dr.Brinker liked that one and laughed.  I was really just glad she seemed OK.  They kept her for the day watching her and she was fine.  All they could find was maybe she was sore from the shots but nothing wrong with her.  When Aija picked her up at the Vet the ladies didn't want Mishu to go and said she could come back anytime as they really thought she was a sweetheart!  Now since she was awake most of the day in the Vets office you would think she would sleep since that is really her time to get some Z's.  Well last night she was hyper.  I took her out to play and she would run and run fetching toys in the yard! 
This morning all she wanted to do was sleep(pic on left)... on her back resting on me.  And yes, those are Flaming 8ball sleep pants!!.  Usually we have her up and going from 5am when she goes outside for her business till about 8:30.  At that point I put her in her crate for about a half hour then bring her outside for some play if she wants it and to "Potty"! 
Yes Jess Butler
,that "One" word for her business was for you...hahaha.  Looks like next month we'll get her spayed and then a month after that she will start obedience training with Jess at CorrectingK9's. 

She sure likes to play either in her pen or outside fetching her squeeky pink rubber bone.  I'll have to get some video of her playtime outside with her BFF next door, a Chaweenie named Chika!  If she is not playing she loves being with us either on the couch or just in the same room where she can see us.